Memento Mori -reborne to Remake

It has been a joyful ride to follow the development of Memento the last couple of years. They have made photogrammetry intuitive, and changed the way my colleges and me have been working as architects.

I am happy to see products that has been in Beta, released as commercial product when they are matured and ready. For Memento, I understand that this will happen i May. Last Friday they released the last Beta version of Memento and the announced that the official product name will be Autodesk Remake.

They released couple of new features in the last Beta and you can read about them in detail here. One of the features that has been wanted for a long time is the «Offline reconstruction». This feature will enable you to process your images on your local computer instead of sending it to the Autodesk servers. This process is computationally very intensive and from the recommended specs that you find here, you may want to upgrade your computer…

I also feel that an epoch has ended. An epoch of an unlimited playground of testing and playing that was free and noncommittal. That is something that is a rare experience in our digital world and has made Memento, in addition to its intuitive tools, unique.

I am looking forward seeing the final commercial release and I will follow Memento closely in the future. I hope the software team manage to keep Autodesk Remake as intuitive and uncompromising as possible, and that they not are trying to solve too many problems in one software.

En kommentar om “Memento Mori -reborne to Remake

  1. Update 24.05.2016: The Autodesk Remake has been launched You can find information about pricing here:

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